[technique] [agm at ripe.net: [ncc-announce] [GM] RIPE NCC General Meeting - Final Agenda and Executive Board Candidates Published]

Matthieu Herrb matthieu at herrb.eu
Sam 13 Mai 10:26:11 CEST 2023


Je porterai les votes de Tetaneutral.net pour cette AG du RIPE

Si vous souhaitez exprimer un avis sur le vote de l'association j'ai
créé le pad : https://pad.tetaneutral.net/p/ripe--gm-mai-2023
pour vous exprimer.

En particulier il y a un vote sur la manière de calculer la cotisation
au RIPE pour 2024. Il y 4 options possibles.

L'option A introduit un nouveau mode de calcul, dependant du nombre
d'adresses IPv4 détenues.
L'option B c'est un prix fixe en augmentation de 10% par rapport à
L'option C c'est un prix fixe en augmentation de 5% par rapport à
L'option D c'est un prix fixe sans changement par rapport à 2023

La difficulté c'est que depuis qu'il n'y a plus d'IPv4, le nombre de
nouveaux LIR (qui paient en plus 1000 € la première fois) est tombé à
quasi 0, et que les LIR existants qui peuvent fusionner le font pour
diminuer leur cotisation.
Du coup les options D et C signifient une baisse sensible du budget du
RIPE NCC. Normalement les options A et B sont équivalentes pour le
RIPE NCC (pas de baisse de leur budget, en prenant en compte

La préférence du CA de Tetaneutral.net va à l'option A.

Pour info, on a payé 1839.77 € HT en 2023 (1850 - 10.23 de surplus de
2022 redistribué).

L'option A nous met dans la catégorie 2 (on a un /22 IPv4 et un /29
IPv6) et on arriverait donc à 1300 € HT si je sais compter.

Pour les autres options c'est >= à la cotisation 2023 (je vous laisse
calculer), mais avec une baisse du budget total du RIPE). 

----- Forwarded message from General Meeting Organisation Team <agm at ripe.net> -----

Date: Thu, 11 May 2023 13:19:35 +0200 (CEST)
From: General Meeting Organisation Team <agm at ripe.net>
To: ncc-announce at ripe.net
Subject: [ncc-announce] [GM] RIPE NCC General Meeting - Final Agenda and Executive Board
	Candidates Published

Dear RIPE NCC members,

The final agenda for the RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) May 2023 is now finalised and available at:

At this GM, members will vote on the Adoption of the RIPE NCC Financial Report 2022, Discharge of the Executive Board, Adoption of the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2024 and Adoption of the amendments to RIPE NCC Standard Service Agreement. There will be an election for three vacant seats on the Executive Board, each of which is for a three-year term.

The confirmed candidates in the running for the RIPE NCC Executive Board and their biographies are now published at: https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/gm/meetings/may-2023/executive-board-election/confirmed-candidates

Open House: Meet the Executive Board Candidates
Members are invited to participate in the Open House to interact with candidates in the running for the RIPE NCC Executive Board. This event takes place online on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 from 09:00 - 10:30 UTC.  
You can register at:  

The Open House is for you to ask candidates questions and to have an open discussion with them. Questions for candidates can also be sent in writing to agm at ripe.net before the Open House.  
If you are unable to attend, the session will be recorded for you to watch at a later time.

EB Candidates Mailing List
There is also a dedicated mailing list where you can interact with candidates and submit questions to them. Please note that only members subscribed to eb-candidates at ripe.net can post to the list:

Questions for the Executive Board
If there are any questions you would like the Executive Board to answer at the General Meeting, you can email them to agm at ripe.net by 12:00 (UTC+2) on 24 May 2023. We will collate them and present them at the General Meeting in addition to the questions asked during the GM.


You can register to participate in and vote electronically at the GM at:

We will be sending a personalised email to all members who have not yet registered for the GM.
Further information on the GM is available at:

If you have any questions about the GM, please email us at agm at ripe.net.

Best regards,
General Meeting Organisation Team

----- End forwarded message -----

Matthieu Herrb

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