[cfarm-users] New Apple Mac M1 machine (gcc304)

Jeffrey Walton noloader at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 01:49:48 CET 2021

> 4. Seems like the MiniMac-M1 crashed and restarted itself about two
> hours ago.

That problem was reported when the M1 was first released. I understand
the problem has been corrected in an OS X update.

It looks like the M1 needs to be updated. OS X 10.2.3 is the latest:

@GCC-Farm-MiniMac ~ % sw_vers
ProductName:    macOS
ProductVersion: 11.2
BuildVersion:   20D64

> 2. gnu libtool is already available as "glibtool" (with HomeBrew).
> It doesn't seems there's a "g-prefix-less" version installed.
> "brew info libtool" says:
>     ==> Caveats
>     In order to prevent conflicts with Apple's own libtool we have
>     prepended a "g" so, you have instead: glibtool and glibtoolize.

Oh yeah... You will confuse the hell out of Autotools if you install
libtool without the g prefix. Apparently Autotools does not do a
simple grep to see if libtool is Apple's one.

    % libtool -V
    Apple Inc. version cctools-977.1

Autotools also ignores envars LIBTOOL and LIBTOOLIZE, so there's no
way easy way to fix it (the missing g prefix).


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