[technique] [Fwd: [Battlemesh] Questions for a weather radar specialist?]
Matthieu Herrb
matthieu at herrb.eu
Sam 2 Nov 07:34:24 CET 2019
C'est une problèmatique qu'on a aussi ici. Si vous voulez contribuer
au Pad ou suivre les discussions...
A Tetaneutral.net on evite complètement la fréquence du radar de Meteo
France en choisissant manuellement les fréquences de nos points
d'accès et en ne prenant jamais la frequence du radar (5625MHz) ni
celles juste à coté (de 5600 à 5650 MHz).
On a été en contact avec Meteo France et l'ANFR (Agence Nationale des
Frequences Radio) a ce sujet: ils savent qu'on existe et nous
contactent de temps en temps quand ils voients des problèmes, mais à
ma connaissance ça n'a jamais été de note faute.
----- Forwarded message from Albert Rafetseder <albert.rafetseder+v10 at univie.ac.at> -----
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2019 00:20:06 +0100
From: Albert Rafetseder <albert.rafetseder+v10 at univie.ac.at>
To: Battle of the Mesh Mailing List <battlemesh at ml.ninux.org>
Subject: [Battlemesh] Questions for a weather radar specialist?
Hello Battlemeshers,
TL;DR: Send us questions about weather radars, we (FunkFeuer Vienna)
will host a specialist this coming Monday [1].
Long version: A month ago, the Austrian radio authority contacted us.
One of our community network nodes, a 5 GHz Ubiquiti device, happened to
interfere with the weather radar at the local airport [2].
We solved the problem, and got forwarded to the company that operates
the weather radar (and also controls the Austrian airspace.) They are
interested to share their view of the world and the spectrum in
particular. We are interested to maintain good neighborly relations.
Thus, a weather radar specialist of theirs will visit us on Monday
during our regular community get-together and will be available for Q&A.
So, if there is anything you want to know about weather radars, please
contribute to our pad [1]. We will add notes during the meeting and send
a summary via this list if you wish.
[0] Add your questions here:
[1] Mail thread in German, ping me for a translation.
Battlemesh mailing list
Battlemesh at ml.ninux.org
----- End forwarded message -----
Matthieu Herrb
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