[technique] Fwd: [ncc-announce] [GM] RIPE NCC Annual Report 2017 and Proposed
Matthieu Herrb
matthieu at herrb.eu
Sam 14 Avr 10:18:36 CEST 2018
le RIPE-NCC a publi� cette semaine les documents pr�paratoires �
son assembl�e g�n�rale qui aura lieu duran la prochaine r�union RIPE �
En tant que LIR Tetaneutral.net est membre de RIPE-NCC et participe
donc � cette AG.
J'ai cr�� un pad https://pad.tetaneutral.net/p/ripe76 si vous voulez
noter des choses � remonter pour guider les votes de Tetaneutral.net.
----- Forwarded message from Axel Pawlik <agm at ripe.net> -----
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 16:08:43 +0200
From: Axel Pawlik <agm at ripe.net>
To: ncc-announce at ripe.net
Subject: [ncc-announce] [GM] RIPE NCC Annual Report 2017 and Proposed RIPE NCC
Charging Scheme 2019
Dear RIPE NCC members,
The following important documents are now online:
- RIPE NCC Annual Report 2017
- RIPE NCC Financial Report 2017
- RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2019
All three are supporting documents for the RIPE NCC General Meeting
(GM), which takes place from 16-18 May 2018. Members will vote to
approve the Financial Report and the Charging Scheme at the GM.
The full list of supporting documents is available at:
If you have any feedback, please email <agm at ripe.net>.
We ask all RIPE NCC members to register for the GM so they can vote on
these documents, as well as in the Executive Board elections that will
take place at the GM. Full remote participation is possible for those
who cannot attend the meeting in Marseille.
We previously announced that publication of these documents would take
place on 4 April. We apologise for the delay.
All information on the GM, including the draft agenda and how to
register to participate remotely, is included on the GM homepage:
Best regards,
Axel Pawlik
Managing Director
----- End forwarded message -----
Matthieu Herrb
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