[technique] OpenFlow / Openradio
Laurent GUERBY
laurent at guerby.net
Ven 20 Avr 19:23:39 CEST 2012
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From: Dave Farber <dave at farber.net>
Reply-to: dave at farber.net
To: ip <ip at listbox.com>
Subject: [IP] OpenRadio changes what it means to be an ISP
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 10:11:51 -0400
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From: Dewayne Hendricks
Date: Friday, April 20, 2012
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] OpenRadio changes what it means to be an ISP
To: Multiple recipients of Dewayne-Net <dewayne-net at warpspeed.com>
OpenRadio changes what it means to be an ISP
By Stacey Higginbotham
Apr. 19, 2012
The havoc that OpenFlow is wreaking in the data center along with its
promises for home broadband networks may change the way we think of
Internet service providers and in the process solve the spectrum crisis.
OpenRadio is a project from Stanford that hopes to use OpenFlow to
create pools of available broadband from Wi-Fi, cellular and other
networks. The project team is working with Texas Instruments to build
$300-$500 base stations for the hardware component, while researchers
try to build the orchestration software.
Sachin Katti of Stanford presented the OpenRadio idea at the Open
Networking Summitheld in Santa Clara, Calif. this week, and laid out a
clear rationale for using a software-defined network to aggregate all
the available wireless technologies together to deliver services. By
layering the orchestration software on top of the networks, operators
can easily write programs that can help them optimize their networks.
For example, an operator could limit Netflix or YouTube traffic to only
40 percent of the LTE airwaves and save the remainder for other data
traffic and voice.
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