[technique] [Fwd: Re: RIPE Atlas Probe (ID: 523) down]

Laurent GUERBY laurent at guerby.net
Mer 26 Oct 17:52:51 CEST 2011


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Laurent GUERBY <laurent at guerby.net>
To: RIPE Atlas <atlas at ripe.net>
Subject: Re: RIPE Atlas Probe (ID: 523) down
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 17:50:09 +0200

On Wed, 2011-10-26 at 08:00 +0000, RIPE Atlas wrote:
> Dear RIPE Atlas Probe Host,
> Thank you for participating in RIPE Atlas!
> We have noticed that your probe #523 with description 'tetaneutral.net at Mix'Art Myrys' is not connected to our infrastructure
> since Oct. 21, 2011, 6:06 a.m. UTC. Could you please check if everything is set up
> correctly on your side? If it is, please reply to this email so we can
> follow up.


The probe was answering ping requests so did not trigger a monitoring
alert on our side, please see attached ping RTT graph covering 7 days
from 19 to 26 october 2011.

I assume it was not fully functional for some reason.

I went on site, unplugged the probe USB cable and replugged it and now
the probe seems back online according to atlas.ripe.net.

I reconfigured our DHCP server to give longer leases to the probe just
in case.



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