[Tetaneutral] Fwd: [hackerspaces] Osilab re-opening after theft and arson

Marc Bruyere bruyere.marc at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 02:50:44 CET 2013


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mitch Altman <maltman23 at hotmail.com>
Date: 2013/1/31
Subject: [hackerspaces] Osilab re-opening after theft and arson
To: hackerspaces-discuss <discuss at lists.hackerspaces.org>

I was supposed to give a workshop at Osilab, the hackerspace in Lille,
France, when I was there in November.  Instead, I toured the charred ruins
of their space, as someone had broken in and burned the place.

It was heart-breaking.  In the two years of their existence, people at
Osilab had created a beautiful space, with so many different diverse
projects, and most was destroyed.

But rather than dissolve in dejection, the community has grouped together
to find an build out a new space!  And they're well on their way.

They started an Octopousse campaign (a French crowd source funding site) to
help raise the €3,490 they need.  Care to help?


(Put that into translate.google.com if you don't read French.)

Please spread the word to help them get up and running again.


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